Moore Labs

Custom Software and Hardware design, development, and consultation

Software Engineering

With over 20 years of software engineering and development experience we can provide custom development and consultation services.

Projects have ranged from micro-service based web applications to utilizing OpenCV and TensorFlow for image detection and classification. Embedded projects have included explorations into using CoaP and OAuth for security in Internet of Things devices as well as small temperature sensors reporting back to a central server based on MongoDB.

OpenID Connect and OAuth

MooreLabs was part of a team that developed a set of conformance tests that to ensure that OpenID Connect servers and clients conformed to various OpenID Connect and OAuth profiles. Profiles provide specifications for specific interoperability beyond the authentication and authorization defined in the OIDC and OAuth specifications. The Health Relationship Trust Profile for OpenID Connect 1.0 is one such profile that "... profiles the OpenID Connect protocol to increase baseline security, provide greater interoperability, and structure deployments in a manner specifically applicable to (but not limited to) the healthcare domain."

Java and Spring Framework

Many of the projects MooreLabs has been involved with have been built in the Java based Spring Framework. The Spring Framework provides a robust enterprise ready MVC style system to back web applications. Beyond the MVC nature of the Spring MooreLabs has implemented schedule task systems running in the background as part of those systems, as well as specialized components. The conformance suites above often had the need for using a Selenium based web browser running in the background to act as a user interacting with the systems under test. Clean user interfaces have been implemented using Bootstrap along with jQuery to perform ajax based requests to the REST interfaces of the backend.

Tensorflow and OpenCV

Work done at VisExcell included building custom tools utilizing Tensorflow and OpenCV. The Tensorflow work centered around large size image classification utilizing Recurrent Neural Networks with auto-encoders, while OpenCV provided image segmentation and analysis to locate specific features in the images.

Areas of Expertise
Node.js Python MongoDB
TensorFlow OpenCV Java
C# Embedded C Unity3D
Open Source Projects and Tutorials

OIDC Node.js Express Tutorial

A small Node.js Express project that shows how to use OpenID Connect

GitHub Project Page

OIDC Django Tutorial

A small Django app project that shows how to use OpenID Connect

GitHub Project Page

Hardware Engineering

Background in analog and digital hardware development, schematic layout, and PCB design

Areas of Expertise
Internet of Things Contiki OS TI Micro-Controllers
Cypress PSoC Digital and Analog interfaces Autodesk EAGLE Design
Example Hardware Projects
I2C controlled Pixel


Custom I2C controlled RGB LED based on Open Source BlinkM

More Info

About MooreLabs

MooreLabs was originally started when Russell Moore began consulting on hardware and software in 1994. Russ's son, Stephen, has taken up the MooreLabs name.

Stephen Moore graduated from Carnegie-Mellon University in 1998 with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. While at CMU, Steve focused on robotics, control systems, and AI. Steve was also involved with interactive electro-mechanical art. After graduating he worked at Motorola writing software for a Just In Time manufacturing process building two way paging infrastructure. Later moving on to doing advanced technology consulting with Aurthur Andersen, helping companies understand how they could use the internet with their business.

Steve has often helped with some of his father's work on custom hardware oriented projects. For example, building and writing control software for custom biology lab experimentation equipment, working with researchers to make sure the device could perform the experiments they wanted.

Steve spent over 12 years working at the MITRE corporation, once again helping clients use technology to solve problems. Examples include working with clients to understand how they could adapt Statistical Language Translation systems to fit in their workflow, building an intranet based system to utilize these tools developed for document translation into more real time chat and web site translation.

Steve is currently a Co-Founder and V.P. of R&D for VisExcell, a company that is helping radiologist bring Breast Cancer Risk assessment to their patients utilizing machine learning.

Steve's hobbies and personal interests range from having a small CNC milling setup in his workshop, building personal IoT devices for his home, and developing games using Unity3D.
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